Programming Pearls.2nd Chapter

There is an awsome algorithm mentioned in this Chapter: if you want to reverse ABCdefgh to defghABC ,how do you do that?

Maybe most of us will implement as like this:

void reverse(char [] arr , int len, int m){
char [3] temp = new char[3];
//copy ABC to temp array
    for(int i = 0;i<m:i++){
    temp[i] = arr[i];
    //move defgh to len - m pos
    for(int i = m; i < len; i++){ 
        arr[i-m] = arr[i]; 
    //append the temp arr to the original arr
    for(int i = 0; i < m; i++){ 
        arr[len-m+i] = temp[i]; 

but maybe we only need a hand turn over: hand turn

so we only need:

reverse(0 , i-1);   /* CBAdefgh */
reverse(i , n-1);   /* CBAhgfed */
reverse(0 , n-1);   /* defghABC */

C implement:

void reverse(char [] arr, int start, int end){ 
    int mid = (start + end) / 2; 
    for(int s = start, i = 1; i < mid; s++, i++){ 
        char temp = arr[s]; 
        arr[s] = arr[end-i]; 
        arr[end-i] = temp; 

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23 May 2012